OFSTED Reports

The School has been judged to be OUTSTANDING by The Office For Standards in Education.
Here is an extract from the February 2024 report:
Pupils flourish in this exceptional school. They thrive in the ‘St. Joseph’s family’ because everyone takes care of one another. Pupils strive to treat others as they wish to be treated. This is evident in the warm and respectful relationships throughout the school. The behaviour of pupils is excellent, and their manners are impeccable.
Pupils are challenged to be the best versions of themselves. This is rooted in the school’s strong Catholic vision, known to the children as ‘Welcome, care and work hard’. The school has very high expectations of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils relish learning and are ambitious to do their best. By the end of key stage 2, pupils achieve significantly above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics. They also achieve consistently highly in other subjects.
The school prioritises developing pupils’ academic and personal development in equal measure. This is reflected in the extensive range of clubs and events. Leadership roles provide excellent opportunities for pupils to be advocates for their peers. Pupils develop a deep understanding of personal responsibility and learn how to positively contribute to the school and wider community. They are inspired by the education they receive and develop into well-rounded, respectful individuals.
For the full report (current and previous) please click below:
You can also read the report on the Ofsted website.
Updated April 2024