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Early Years – Key Information



Easter Egg Competition

We were pleased to host Cameron Hughes, the Community Champion from Tesco Aldershot, who visited our Year R students recently. He introduced them to the exciting Tesco Easter Egg Colouring Competition! The children picked their favorite egg templates and got creative with their colouring. With many local schools participating, our students really showed off their artistic skills! The each child in the winning class will receive a tasty Easter egg as a prize. Good luck to all our young artists!

Making Pancakes

The children enjoyed making delicious pancakes.  They didn't want to miss out on the school treat because Shrove Tuesday was during the half-term.  

National Fitness Day 2022

Wednesday 21st September was National Fitness Day. We went outside with the whole school and joined in a round robin of different events. We went into the dance studio, onto the playground, onto the field and then onto the 3G pitch. We tested our skills in dancing, throwing, catching, bouncing on a space hopper and so much more. We had lots of fun!

Mental Health and Wellbeing Day

On Friday the 8th October we celebrated Mental Health and Wellbeing Day. We discussed our feelings and who we can talk to in school and at home about our feelings. During the day we went to the hall with Mrs Woods to have a mindfulness session, which left us feeling very relaxed and sleepy. We didn't feel sleepy for long though, as we headed outside to have a whole school boogie.

Updated July 2023.

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